Comments Report

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The Comments Report shares the comments your team left while taking the survey. Survey statements only appear on this report someone commented under it.

The survey asked five open-ended questions at the end: What the company should Start, Stop, Do More, Do Less, and One Other Key Idea. In many cases, most of the comments will appear there. Comments are completely optional. Some teams shared many comments and some teams very few.


How do I use this report?

When evaluating this report, take a deep breath and get yourself in a frame of mind that will allow you to listen and learn. If you find yourself getting emotional, stop, take a break, and come back to the report later. Try to find the truth of what your team is saying, and try to decide what you might be able to do to take action to improve things. Read down through the comments and ask yourself or your team:

What comments are we proud of? Usually, some team members will share good feedback about how things work well.

What patterns exist in the comments? Are we hearing the same thing from different people?

What comments indicate that we need to improve?

What conversations do we need to have with our team? Do we need clarification? Do we need to communicate things better to them so we all understand things better?