Culture & Engagement Survey Overview

Abbreviated Survey

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Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to investigate the Business Improvement Culture and Engagement Survey.

The purpose of the survey is to give your company valuable feedback about how its employees think/feel about their jobs, their managers and overall company culture.

Below is a quick overview of how the survey works. If you have additional questions, please send them to me via email at and I’ll make sure to get you the answers you need.

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How Do I Sign Up?

Signups Are Closed.

Interested in participating in the next survey? Email me at


Quick Overview

There is no cost to do the survey.

You invite your team members directly - your staff identity is never shared. We send you a link to the survey to send to your team.

The survey is completely confidential - no one’s individual answers are ever shared.

The survey takes people on average about 5 minutes to complete.

The results of your team will be compared to other companies of your size and to all the companies that have taken the survey over the last several years. This helps you get a sense of not only how your team feels about their jobs, their managers and the company culture, but also how that compares to other companies.

The survey asks your team the following:

  • Several questions about them (their role, their generational identity, and their department) to see if there are significant differences in the answers for these breakdowns.

  • To agree/disagree to statements about their jobs, their manager, and the company culture. Employees can add in their own comments if they choose.

  • The survey also asks employees a few open ended questions, which they can skip if they choose. They have the option on many questions not to provide an answer if they do not feel comfortable.


Survey Background

I have a core belief that great companies have strong relationships with their clients, employees and shareholders, all at the same time. Especially for people-centric businesses (where interactions and relationships between your staff and your clients are essential), your client’s satisfaction will be proportional to your staff’s engagement. In a nutshell, employee engagement and company culture become critical to business success.

This culture and engagement survey allows teams of all sizes to measure their relationship with their staff.


Survey Purpose

Survey results are designed to help your team engage in healthy discussions that generate ideas you can put into action. Culture and engagement are squishy – hard to measure/quantify exactly. But focused attention on culture and real collaboration between leaders and staff does make real and often lasting improvement possible. My hope is that this survey becomes a catalyst for growth and improvement in the companies that participate.


How It Works

When your company takes the survey, your Survey Administrator gets a unique link for your company only to send to your staff at a designated date. Ideally, you send the link to all of you staff members including leadership (CEO included). If you choose, you can also send the link to key contractors who operate much like staff.


What Is the Format of the Survey?

The survey asks each participant to indicate whether they agree or disagree with statements about their jobs, their manager, and the company. They can provide a comment on each statement to explain their answers or make a suggestion if they choose. There are also a few open ended questions at the end of the survey to allow people to provide free-form comments and ideas.

The survey takes people on average 5 minutes to complete.

In order for a response to be counted, the participant must complete the full survey. If the participant gets interrupted during the survey, they can save it and come back to it later if needed. However, once they complete the survey, they will not be able to go back and edit responses.

Is the Survey Anonymous?

Yes - the survey is completely anonymous. Everyone at your company will use the same link so there's no way to identify anyone's specific answers. Further, no individual answers will ever be shared. All results will summarize the teams' answers together to make it impossible to see any one person's answers.

How Will I Know How Many of Our Staff Took the Survey While Its Open?

While the survey is open, you will get updates every few days about how many people have completed the survey for your team. You can then keep your team updated and keep encouraging them to participate if they haven’t already.

We suggest that you ask participants to take the survey at their earliest convenience. Teams who get to it early usually have higher participation, which gives them a full picture of the opinions of their team members.

What Are the Advantages of Having Business Improvement conduct this survey?

Some companies do their own employee surveys and that’s great. Having a 3rd party company though can help in several ways:

  • Often staff trust that their answers will truly be anonymous if the survey is administered by a 3rd party.

  • By opening this survey up to many companies, we can offer comparisons between your company’s results and the results of other companies of about your size.

  • Because we’ve been doing this survey for years, we can share with you where you excel and where you need work based on how other companies have answered the same questions.

What is the Cost of the Survey?

Currently, there is no cost to participate in the survey.


Sign up in 3 Minutes

Signups Are Closed

Want in on the next survey? Email